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May We All Keep Reading!

Hi everyone! Happy May! I hope you all had a great month for April and that the weather is finally turning  for the better wherever you are! I don’t know about you – but I am ready for the green! Until it shows up through – let’s keep ourselves occupied with another monthly update!  



The Smörgåsupdate 2: Electric Boogaloo

Okay! So here we are with a pretty full card again, though really it’s all more of the same as last month – just further along as we round out these projects!

At the top of the list, right now we have Scion of Magic in a mostly paused state as I turn my full focus onto Ascend Online. The book as it stands right now has been sent off for some editing as well as beta reads so I can get some much-needed feedback on it while I switch tracks for a while.

As for work on Ascend Online, things are going great as a whole! I am really enjoying how the story is coming together so far and while there is still a fair amount more to go yet, I am very much enjoying the experience of writing a ‘shorter’ Ascend Online story (all things are relative after all, haha). As things go, I am still not certain as how long this book might end up being. Initially I thought that this book was going to be in and around the 150k mark, but I feel that it’s possible I could find the ending a bit sooner than that – it’s still too early to say. In any case though, I am having a heap of fun writing the story, and after being away from it for so long, that is a great feeling.

Beyond those two projects I am happy to say that all of the cowrites on deck are happily moving into their next stages in production! We have Paragon of Shadow now in production for audio and its eventual release, and both of the two other secret projects are on their way to completion and all the post production that follows afterwards. With luck we will have a fantastic later half of the year to share with you all!

Lastly on the list – I am happy to say that the Legacy of the Fallen Collectors Edition is now in printing! Woo! As soon as we have these books delivered to us at the fulfillment house and start getting them ready for delivery, I will be sure to let all of you know!

And that’s a wrap!

That’s all we’ve got for this month’s update! I know there wasn’t much in terms of earthshattering announcements this time around, but things are moving along well as a whole! I am hoping that once we get into the June-August stretch of updates we’ll be able to throw out some more active timelines and release dates for things, but in the meantime we are just going to keep working away on everything we’ve got on the table! Until then, we hope that you all stay happy and healthy until our next update!

See you all again soon!


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