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April Wordstorms May Bring Books!

Hi everyone! Happy April! We are marching through the year and I don’t know about you all, but I am happy to finally see some green outside! We’ve had quite the winter over here and I am 150% ready for the spring and summer to arrive, bringing back some of that nice warm weather in the process! But while we wait for the weather to full turn, let’s take a look on what we’ve been doing this last month, which is just a colossal amount of stuff!



The Smörgåsupdate

So as I am sure you can all see – the card this month is just PACKED with goodies on it, and it’s just super hard to pick any one of them apart in a meaningful way without mentioning the other so we are just going to jump straight into it.

So first off – we are still grinding away on Scion of Magic as we try and get it into a readable state and fix up the issues that all of you glorious beta readers have pointed out for me! Unfortunately considering how busy this last month has been combined with a huge case of writer’s block in fixing these problems I’ve just not been able to make as much progress as I’d hoped and this project is still lingering on my plate. I am really hoping that we can finally put Scion to bed this month and have sent out for formal editing, especially because I’ve finally gotten back to working on Ascend Online in a meaningful and I am having a blast!

After a couple months of outlining and planning we’ve been able to hammer out a sizeable chunk of words for Book 5 I am hoping to pick up speed as I weave the new beginning that I am writing into the chunk that I split off from the original draft of Glory to the Brave. In any case, I feel like I have a pretty clear vision of what I want to do for this book and I am excited to be able to burn away on it over the next couple months. As things stand right now my goal is to have the text version of book 5 out early summer on Yonder first, then to follow with Audible as soon as the book is recorded.

Next on this crazy list are the rest of my cowritten and backburner projects that I have on the go! We have two untitled secret projects that have finally made their way onto this list, the first being a satire comedic fantasy with G.D Penman and a Norse themed progression fantasy with Demi Harper! These projects have been ticking away in the background for the last several months, but if all goes to plan, they will be nearing completion over the next couple months and be in your hands ASAP afterwards! Sharp eyes will notice too that there is another novel project on the list too – The Blood Crown! This is a super exciting gladiator-based fantasy/progression fantasy story that has been gradually coming together over the last year and just can’t wait to be able to share more with you when it’s ready! (Though all the other projects on this list will generally take priority over it in the short term.) For those interested in seeing what I have so far – there is a very rough draft of the story posted on my patreon!

Moving on from there and onto our last update – I am happy to announce that the Legacy of the Fallen Collectors Edition is a stone’s throw away from going into print! We’ve had a crazily busy stretch in getting everything finished for the project and it is looking absolutely amazing! As soon as we are ready to share more of the details there will be a big kickstarter update going out to all backers to outline what to expect in the coming weeks and months!

The End

And that’s all I got! It’s a been a crazy month of work getting everything sorted and I expect this to be another crazy month as well! We are so close to heaving a bunch of projects out the door in the near future and I cannot wait to hear what you all think about them! As soon as we have some tangible release dates for those projects too – we will absolutely let you all know when to expect them too! Until then, we hope that you all stay happy and healthy until our next update!

See you all again soon!


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